THE PROJECT 'F2F2D and back'
How to effectively transfer F2F language courses to online/distance form in a short time' (F2F2D), reacts directly to the new security situation that emerged in Europe and other parts of the world due to a rapid spread of COVID-19 disease.

An unprecedented situation in which movement and contact with other people was been and are significantly restricted. Educational institutions has closed their doors to their students, whilst simultaneously having to quickly provide them with an online alternative to in-person teaching.

Online education is currently a very frequently occurring term. Although online teaching is now omnipresent, both students and teachers often don’t find it to be effective and satisfying. There are dozens of platforms and tools available in the online space, but it isn’t easy for lecturers to quickly and efficiently choose from their inexhaustible resources and adapt them to different courses.

The project ‘F2F2D (Face to Face to Distance) and back’ wants to facilitate the transition to online teaching for language courses in the future.

is to develop an effective method together with supplementary tools so that individual language courses can be quickly converted from full-time to an efficient online form and then back again.
READ MOREis a consortium of 6 partners from GERMANY, CZECH REPUBLIC, ITALY, POLAND and BULGARIA.
• A roadmap of language courses and its transfer needs to online/distant form
• Teacher guide to available tools and methods of transfer
• Step-by-step guide for transferring courses
• Self-assessment and assessment distant tools for students, teachers and facilitators
• Course Guide for Teachers
Students and Teachers, Facilitators of language courses, Stakeholders, NGO working with migrants, Regional / National authorities and policy makers in the field of education