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Italy Associazione culturale no profit INNOVAMENTIS (Italy) PARTNER INNOVAMENTIS NGO is based educational and training organization located in Reggio Calabria (Italy), focusing on knowledge and innovation transfer in a field of lifelong learning and further education; labour market and entrepreneurship; teaching and training methods and technologies. It carries out its activities even for the protection of cultural and linguistic [...]
PRISM Impresa Sociale s.r.l.

PRISM Impresa Sociale s.r.l.

Italy PROMOZIONE INTERNAZIONALE SICILIA – MONDO (PRISM) PARTNER PRISM Impresa Sociale s.r.l. Promozione Internazionale Sicilia – Mondo Social Enterprise PRISM is a non-for-profit Social Enterprise with the mission to create equal opportunities for the responsive progress of societies, communities and people - acting as a qualified development agent, since 2012, with its operational seat in [...]
FRAME – Fundacja Rozwoju Aktywności Międzynarodowej i Edukacyjnej

FRAME – Fundacja Rozwoju Aktywności Międzynarodowej i Edukacyjnej

Poland Fundacja Rozwoju Aktywnosci Miedzynarodowej i Edukacyjnej (FRAME) PARTNER Mając na celu promocję współpracy międzynarodowej środowisk lokalnych wspierających edukację, aktywność zawodową i dobrostan obywateli, Fundacja FRAME podejmuje wiele inicjatyw: Wspieranie integracji europejskiej oraz współpracy krajowej i międzynarodowej, Rozwijanie i umacnianie postaw nastawionych na aktywne współdziałanie w rozwoju społeczeństwa obywatelskiego, Propagowanie działań wspomagających rozwój kultury demokracji, [...]
Spolek PELICAN, z.s.

Spolek PELICAN, z.s.

Czech Republic Jazykova skola s pravem statni jazykove zkousky PELICAN, s.r.o. (PELICAN) PARTNER Spolek PELICAN is a non-profit association active in the field of education and culture. It is based on the belief that one way to improve the quality of education is to raise public awareness of current trends in education and support their implementation in all [...]
ECQ – European Center for Quality Ltd

ECQ – European Center for Quality Ltd

Bulgaria EUROPEAN CENTER FOR QUALITY OOD (ECQ) PARTNER European Center for Quality Ltd is a modern consulting company founded in 2001. The company is specialized in 4 main fields: Management consulting in the field of EU-funded projects Design and delivery of training programmes for business entities, low skilled people and people from vulnerable groups Implementation [...]


Germany FRIEDRICH-ALEXANDER-UNIVERSITAET ERLANGEN NUERNBERG (FAU) COORDINATOR The Innovation in Learning Institute (ILI) is an institute for scientific research and the center for e-learning at the Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg (FAU) as part of the Faculty of Philosophy. An interdisciplinary team of around 30 scientists in the field of the humanities and technological sciences, research and develop digital, [...]

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